This session will support literacy/reading leads and/or Senior Leads to look at how to carry out an effective reading review which aligns with both the DfE Reading Framework and OFSTED deep dives. It will then look at how Boomreader and its new data dashboard can support this and improve its impact.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the LA literacy lead in Wolverhampton and has worked in schools and trusts across the West Midlands and also advised on multiple international projects. The results speak for themselves with Wolverhampton being consistently above national in end of KS2 reading and writing for the past 3 years despite it being in the highest 10% of Local Authorities in terms of deprivation.

Lauren Thornett
Lauren is a former assistant head and literacy lead in Wolverhampton with eleven years’ experience in KS1. She specialises in teacher training and also Early Reading Reviews which schools rate very highly both in terms of their challenge and the follow up support she offers.